I write stories grounded in real people and real problems, pushed to a mythic scale: reality, made unreal.

I am currently based in Brooklyn, NY, but I’ll be spending more time in LA. Let’s connect, wherever and however that may be.

[On Radicals] This script’s great strength is its ability to take the towering names of history. . . and bring them back down to ground level, turning them into believable, even relatable characters for the audience to invest in . . . The premise is rock-solid commercially, and the execution is just as good, humanizing these larger-than-life figures and managing, even in moments of mere debate between to characters, to make the warring ideologies feel like actual war. It’s the perfect show for a channel like HBO, Netflix, or Amazon, with their many resources, to take on, and it’s the kind of script that seems likely to draw acclaim.
— The Black List
[On HeartbreakR] This pilot is striking and funny, and presents a premise that could easily support a successful, darkly comic dramedy series. The pilot builds in roles for a diverse cast; additionally, the premise has the ability to utilize a diverse world while also calling attention to the staggering lack of diversity often found in pockets of the tech field. It is a female-driven concept, in fact and in spirit. Tonally, it is successfully humorous, wry, and vulnerable, often simultaneously.
— The Black List
[On Radicals] This script does what every pilot should do: make the audience want more. The author also does a great job telling a modern story through a historical lens. It’s a form of historical fiction that takes enough creative liberty with the written narrative of events to strike a balance between entertainment and fact.
— BlueCat Screenplay Competition
Relative Distance is absolutely fresh and new. It’s reflexive, self-aware, fast-paced, snappy, and funny. It talks seriously about often misunderstood developmental disorders through the lens of a self-critical mess who really doesn’t give a shit; James’s self-serving personality is a relatable lens for readers/viewers to see this world. The characters and the dialogue are excellent: each character has a distinct voice, and are captured quickly and effectively in the short amount of time available in a pilot.
— BlueCat Screenplay Competition